Radial Tube Amp Head Switcher -ToneBone Head Bone VT
The Radial Headbone is a specially designed switching device that lets you toggle between two different guitar amplifier heads using a single speaker cabinet. With the Headbone in your rig, you can use your Marshall head for rhythm and your Mesa-Boogie head for soloing. This is of particular interest for players that demand the utmost in tonal performance when on stage or in the studio.
Features include 100% discrete class-A circuitry for exceptional audio performance, transformer isolated guitar signal path to eliminate ground loops, plus a choice of either buffered or un-buffered inputs to optimize the signal path. The Headbone’s internal switching comprises a series of relays, opto-couplers and load resistors, all of which are sequenced via a digitally programmed chip. Hit the footswitch and the Headbone jumps to action as it toggles the guitar signal from one amp to the other, disconnects the speaker and diverts the signal to a load resister, reconnects the speaker to the second head and turns the guitar back on – all in quick succession. The Headbone features SafeModeâ„¢ whereby in the event that power is disconnected – the Headbone’s guitar input will automatically turn off. To eliminate a mess of cables on stage, the Headbone is equipped with Slingshot – a remote control port that lets you switch the Headbone using any standard footswitch or MIDI controlled contact closure. This eliminates long speaker cables while improving system efficiency.