Moog Grandmother Semi Modular Analog Synthesizer – Used
The Grandmother is Moog’s affordable semi-modular monophonic analog synthesizer. Impressively featuring a built-in arpeggiator, sequencer and spring reverb tank, the Grandmother expands upon the classic Moog modular synthesizers that came before it. Though not required, creative patching can further the Grandmother’s infinite expanse of auditory inspiration. The semi-modular design also makes this synth a great companion piece to an established modular setup or expanding upon other popular Moog synthesizers.
This Moog is in good condition. Cosmetically, it is clean and doesn’t have much wear. All functions also work properly. It does unfortunately have a sticky low F key that sometimes rubs against the chassis and sustains the note. This synth only comes with its original power supply and a bag full of patch cables.