Fender Custom Deluxe Tweed – Used
This Tweed Deluxe is in Excellent condition, with few signs of wear.
The Fender Tweed Deluxe, popularized by the likes of Neil Young, features two channels (Instrument and Microphone) on a shared tone stack. The lack of circuitry and controls make this amp incredibly transparent and wide open.
Back in the late ’50s, players would take this amp with their guitar and a microphone and do a gig. Harmonica players would do the same with a Green Bullet or similar. The low wattage and minimalist approach allows for the amp to be loud enough to gig, but still break up enough to sound convincingly raunchy.
Fender’s Tweed Deluxe is one of their simplest, yet time honored amplifiers – and one of their most consumer requested reissues. And at a mere 26 pounds, this amp provides punch and practicality for almost any small to medium venue.