Korg SQ-1 CV Step Sequencer And Sync Box
The Korg SQ-1 is step sequencer evolved from Korg’s original SQ-10 sequencer. Compatible with Korg’s MS20 synthesizer, the SQ-1 features two eight-step sequences and a wide range of sequencer modes. The SQ-1’s volca step edit buttons are responsive and accurate for letting players freestyle with their sequences with ease. The SQ-1 is sturdy, compact, battery or USB powered, and ready to be integrated into your rig with vintage analog or modern synthesizers. This little wonder is sure to go far.
- Korg MS-20 or MS-20 mini connectivity
- Two CV/Gate Out Channels
- MIDI Out and USB MIDI Out
- SYNC In and Out to connect volca series and monotribe devices
- Sixteen volca step buttons
- Active Step, Slide, and Step Jump functions
- Two AA battery or USB bus power function