Walrus Audio Emissary Parallel Boost Effect Pedal
Forge ahead on your musical journey with the Walrus Audio Emissary Parallel Boost. This pedal, akin to the vital veins its name echoes, offers a twin-boost experience crafted to inject vigor and dimension into your tone.
With two standalone boost circuits running in harmony, the Emissary presents the perfect platform for tailoring your sound. Whether using each circuit independently or harmonizing them to your taste, the control is at your fingertips. The ‘bright’ boost circuit, manipulated by the top knob, provides a clear, high headroom JFET boost. This puts a subtle spotlight on higher frequencies, infusing your playing with an exciting, vibrant energy.
The ‘mid’ boost circuit, controlled by the lower knob, precisely targets your midrange frequencies. With the flip of a toggle switch, choose between 1kHz or 800Hz boost for a more personalized tonal boost, creating a sound that’s distinctly you.
Additionally, the Emissary offers a unique bypass switch featuring a momentary function. Press and hold to momentarily activate the effect, and release to disengage—providing an extra layer of performance versatility. With the Walrus Audio Emissary Parallel Boost, you have a faithful partner to push your tone beyond its boundaries.
- Excellent Artwork by Illustrator Adam Forster
- Multiple Boost Circuit Flexibility
- Momentary Stomp Functionality
- Selectable 1kHz or 800Hz Mid Boost Functionality
- High Headroom JFET Top End Boost